Review - Blue Beetle

An alien scarab formed beetle chooses college graduate Jaime Reyes to be its symbiotic host. Not just an ordinary beetle, this blue glittering beetle, now known as the Blue Beetle, has a mysterious ability. bestowing the teenager with a suit of armor that's capable of extraordinary and unpredictable powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the superhero known as Blue Beetle. Dominated and leads by various Latino stars Xolo Maridueña as Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle, Milagro Reyes as Belissa Escobedo, Adriana Barraza as Nana Damián, Alcázar as Alberto Reyes, George Lopez as Rudy Reyes, Raoul Max Trujillo as Conrad Carapax / Indestructible Man & Susan Sarandon as Victoria Kord with approximate budget $125 Million. This film featured runtime 127 minutes, consists with 2 credit scenes till the end of the film. 

Blue Beetle plays like a blending of pretty much every other superhero origin story we've seen before. Jaime’s turning into a superhero whose body is altered by a creature he found at a major corporation can’t help but remind of Spider-Man. I do not have issue with that. The inspirations is the attention paid to the family as a team. Each member of the family brings something to the table that Jaime needs, and some of Blue Beetle’s most charming moments come from the family working together, whether to embarrass Jaime or to save him from robot soldier, Conrad Carapax. The main villain Victoria and Carapax has nothing more special to explore, it was just flat to tell. Plot story has a light portion in terms of easy to be understand and also it is predictable what's we going to predict at the end. 

Plot story has a light portion in terms of easy to be understand and also it is predictable what's we going to predict at the end. There are a lot of compelling, deeper issues that are hinted at in the beginning that don’t really go anywhere, beyond the occasional briefs. In sense of humor, Blue beetle provide us much more of a silly jokes and spot on. Although some don't but it was fun to experienced in superhero perspectives. After a huge let down from The Flash, This film is a healing recovery to enjoyed the satisfaction from the CGIs in respectfully in good way but not the best one.

Blue Beetle might not have the name in recognition of Superman or Batman, but especially with this origin out of the way, this seems like a character with promise in whatever direction James Gunn as he pointed as lead DC Studios. I hope DC consistent entertain us with more of superhero capabilities with no further obstacles.

Credit Scene        : Mid & End Credit
IMAX / 4D            : IMAX/4D Recommendation
Rating                  : 7.8/10


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