Review Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

When a new threat capable of destroying the entire planet emerges, Optimus Prime and the Autobots take on their biggest challenge they must team up with a powerful faction of Transformers known as the Maximals to save Earth. Unicron, a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions seeking a way to cross galaxies, sends his Terrorcon herald Scourge to retrieve the Transwarp Key. 

Transformers Rise of the Beasts is the seventh film the live-action film series featured by Paramount Pictures. Directed by Steven Caple Jr. and starring Anthony Ramos (Noah Diaz) and Dominique Fishback (Elena Wallace) as main both character. Featured with voice Peter Cullen as the legend Optimus Prime, Ron Perlman (Optimus Primal), Michelle Yeoh (Airazor), Pete Davidson (Mirage), Peter Dinklage (Scourge) & Colman Domingo (Unicron). This film is serving sequel from Bumblebee (2018) and smooth reboot discrepancy from Michael Bay's Transformers universe. 

Rise of the Beasts has a thin on storyline but the purpose much clearer than previous installment. Unlike with Bay's productions, Bumblebee (2018) & Rise of the Beasts has intention to connect with other franchise. It feels like recovery, although there were lot of questionable points whether this means will modify the whole storyline which Transformers we known long ago.

Decent, but not spectacular. This is being as my objectives from what I experienced. The villain does not have any depth background, even an aura. Peter Dinklage is a great actor but.....not on this.  Anthony Ramos & Dominique Fishback is a flat compound, there was no bond and attraction. Autobot & Maximals are appealing composited to see. There is a fight scene that extremely comforted me so much, Once Prime & Primal act as a leader from their faction "Autobots & Maximals, Roll Out!". Also, the long take fight scene that featured Arcee & Rhinox was well execute.

Transformers Rise of the Beasts is a delightful and enjoyable film that successfully revitalizes from Michael Bay's franchise. Despite the casts and the development character wasn't driven, But yet still Optimus Prime colleague does really shown us that they're the be(a)st and wild to see. The ending was surprise element that could have more future for Transformers, yet it feels perforce to done by the studios. 

Credit Scene        : Mid Credit
IMAX / 4D            : Not quite recommended
Rating                  : 7/10


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